Sunday, December 23, 2012

Yule - Stonemarche

We had a wonderful visit with our neighbors to the west for a Yule event in Stonemarche.  It was a very family oriented event, with lots of activites for the kids.  It was also a pot luck affair, so I put three meat pies together and brought those to contribute.

The event itself was quite small.  There was no A&S or martial activities, but there was a station where kids could cover pine cones with peanut butter and then roll them in birdseed to make rustic bird feeders and a station where they could decorate their own cookies.  Guess which activity the kidlet wanted to do? 

Lady Sine Ruadh Friseal organized a wonderful light event.  There was even a St. Nicholas to give presents to all of the children and who later turned into Krampus to steal the children and sell them back to their families for cookies.  Stonemarche really is full of some wonderful people.

My only regret for this event was that we didn't get our act together and give our customary house gift to Lady Sine for her fine work at this event.  Being so close to Christmas, there wasn't enough time to get it done. With luck, we'll get a chance to see her sometime in the new year and remedy this.