I wandered away from the Society and had adventures in the mundane world for a spell. Then, in the summer of 2012, my captain, mentor, and friend, Gregory Finche, passed away. At his memorial, I was gifted with the chance to reconnect with long lost companions from my days in the SCA and was easily persuaded to go to the Great Northeastern War in Malagentia. I scrambled together to come up with garb for my daughter and myself and we had a marvelous time.
So, now we've come back to the past.
In many ways it's like starting from scratch; reassembling the pieces to build a medieval life. The society I return to seems grander than the one I left. It's bigger and more elaborate with talented artisans and fighters at every turn. But, for all it's changes, there's something still so familiar about the SCA. The generosity of total strangers. The shared love for the old ways. The terrible puns of the heralds.
Some things never change.
I remember being young and broke and dreaming of a day when I could afford the beautiful pavilion filled with gear that would secure me a place on enchanted ground. Now, I'm older and less broke than I was, but with more financial responsibilities to consider. I still can't afford the perfect medieval world - not all at once anyway, but I would love to make that dream a reality. This is the story of my return to the current middle ages. I share it in hopes that other new people, or perhaps gentles who are returning from their own pilgrimages to the mundane lands will find use and inspiration from these words.
In service,
Christiana Crane
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